I Wish You a Merry QAL Block #6 Release!

I Wish You a Merry Quilt-a-Long

Block #6 “Hanging Stars Angel block” is brought to you by the talented Sandra Healy of Sandra Healy Designs, where you will find the complete block pattern and tutorial.

Hanging Stars Angel Block

My Tips:

I used a Sharpie pen to trace the templates on the fusible web so it won’t bleed through to the fabric when ironing. Pencil is also a good choice.

I used Heat n Bond Lite to fuse the pieces to the background fabric. I always like the results I get when I use it.

I used a stabilizer. I don’t have much experience with stabilizers and decided to try Pellon Cut Away. I like this better than the tear away I tried on another project. I am curious to know what type you prefer for what type of applique?


I have never used sparkily thread before (gasp!) but decided it would be perfect for my Angel.  Metallic thread has a reputation for being a bit tricky.  Once I picked a needle with an opening that the thread easily fed through, the problem with it bunching up in the needle and breaking was resolved.

Instead of a button, I embroidered a little heart for her coif. It has been many years since I’ve embroidered and making the French knots eyes was a challenge until I watched this short tutorial on youtube and then voila, it was just like riding a bike! Even if you don’t need this tutorial, I recommend viewing because I think you will get a kick out of her manicure!

Sandra also has written a comprehensive guide for all things machine applique that you can also find on her blog; How to Machine Applique.

Sandra’s angel is just precious and so fun to make. I enjoyed going through my stash picking fabric for the patchwork border and my desire to do embroidery has been reawakened 😇

Please visit all the hostesses blogs to read their tips and see their completed blocks in a variety of fabric and color inspirations.

Abbie at Sparkle On ➡️ You are here :)
April at JANDA Bend Quilts
Becca at Pretty Piney
Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting
Diane at cwilt
Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter
Karen of Tu-na Quilts
Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts
Sandy at Sandy Star Designs
Sherry at Powered by Quilting
Vanda at Quilt in Piece

The prize for Block #6 includes a small fat quarter bundle from the “Blushing Blooms” collection from Island Batik and a PDF pattern of your choice from featured designer Sandra Healy’s shop. Also, Sandra is offering a 20% discount valid until midnight October 25th using the code MERRYQAL20 on her website shop only ( not valid on her Craftsy or Etsy stores).

Be sure to enter your chance to win both prizes by posting a pic of your finished block on:

  1. I Wish You a Merry Quilt-A-Long Facebook Group
  2. On Instagram, be sure to include the hashtag #iwishyouamerryqal in your photo comment.
  3. The linky party on the featured designer’s blog.

Entries are limited to one per person and the winner will receive both prizes! This block’s giveaway starts at 12:00 AM EDT September 26th and runs through 11:59 PM October 9th. The winner will be announced on the I Wish You a Merry Quilt-a-Long Facebook page where you can see so many variations of each block as they are released and meet your fellow QAL participants!

*On October 10th two mystery blocks, #7 and #8will be revealed! 

~Abbie ✨

***Anyone that completes a quilt top containing all twelve blocks from the I Wish You a Merry Quilt-a-Long will be entered to win a huge Grand Prize!!! You’ll have until January 15th 2018 to make a quilt top. The final block will be released December 5th.


25 thoughts on “I Wish You a Merry QAL Block #6 Release!

  1. Yes, metallic thread does have a reputation! But you found the proper cure-all–the right needle! Your version is go wonderfully sparkly! No surprise there.

    Liked by 1 person

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