
This Irish Chain quilt was finished just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! Which also happens to be National Quilt Day too! Thank you again for all your input into making “Rhapsody in Blue.”


So, since completing my mixed (emotions) fabric quilt and reading all your comments with the resounding consensus “Invest in and use quality fabric,” I did the purge!

My new stash is very small. It includes a variety of Kona solids, some LQS fabric my mother bought me and a yard of this fabric I bought at a local Mennonite department store because I thought it was beautiful. I never even looked at the brand! But, I would have kept it anyway 😉


I am holding on to a small bin of scraps, some pretty prints and my Hello Kitty cotton I may use for PJs someday. 🤪 The rest is going to my local thrift shop.

I’m wishing you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Both sides of my family, the Danahys and the McGuires, are of Irish descent. This June the Danahys will be gathering in County Galway, Ireland and I’m so excited to share that Duane and I are going to be there!!! ☘️🇮🇪

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish blessing


Clover Patch by Abbie
Clover Patch by Abbie


16 thoughts on “Celebrating

  1. TTQH is Irish and sends you a happy St Pats day wish! You look cozy in your quilt – that is what is most important – it is done and it is cozy, no worries about the fabric. Congrats on your purge and new fabric. That Jakarta fabric you posted is exquisite!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah, Abbie, I never knew you had Irish ancestry. How cool that you’re coming to Galway in June! Have you been to Ireland before? I hope the weather will be good to you!


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