Free Motion Mojo

The force awakens! At least in the star galaxy of my Summer Nights quilt.

For the borders I am using two designs of Lori Kennedy’s of The Inbox Jaunt, Swirling Stars and Shining Stars.

First I made it all the way around with the Swirling Stars:

Swirling Stars back view
Swirling Stars back view

and then was excited to try the Shining ones next. Going forward I am going to mark the fabric with parallel quide lines, like Lori instructed in the tutorial…for a good reason Abbie, so as to not have your stars look blobular:


The Shining Stars are the filler for the rest of the border area, about 5″ of white space on the top and bottom. After what seemed like many star eons later (who knew straight lines would be so hard to FMQ?) I have one to share that I think I did pretty dern good! If I can do it once, I can do it again right? Please say “yes!” 😉


Do any of you know why are the needle inserts leave such prounced holes (only on the top side?) …I am wondering if it from the stitches being too close together? Maybe the tension setting? But lowering the tension gives me those dreaded “eyelashes” on the back. The needle is a 12 and new. Thanks again to all of you who have guided me through this process.

And may the Mojo be with you.


~Abbie ✨

18 thoughts on “Free Motion Mojo

  1. Looks great, Abbie. I agree that the needle may be too large. I expect a washing would mitigate that pretty quickly. I also feel like that hides some of our inconsistencies!

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  2. Wonder if the holes are due to the fabric? I had a very tightly woven fabric that the needle seemed to punch holes in. A finer needle might help. The quilting’s looking fab! Can’t wait to see the quilt finished!

    Liked by 1 person

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